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Indulgences and the Shrine
During the Jubilee Year (December 29, 2024-December 28, 2025), Pilgrims to the Shrine may be eligible to receive a Jubilee Indulgence as often as they visit the Shrine.
What is an indulgence? An indulgence remits the temporal punishment of sins that God has already forgiven. For more information on indulgences, please read the Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1471.
The Jubilee Indulgence was granted by our Holy Father, Pope Francis: “All the faithful, who are truly repentant and
free from any affection for sin, who are moved by a spirit of charity and who, during the Holy Year, purified through the sacrament of penance and refreshed by Holy Communion, [visit A holy place and pray these prayers], will be able to obtain from the treasury of the Church a plenary indulgence.” (Decree on the Granting of the Indulgence) The Bishop of our Diocese, Most Rev. Erik Pohlmeier, confirmed that pilgrims to the Santa Fe Shrine are eligible to receive this indulgence.
To receive the Jubilee Indulgence, pilgrims should take the following steps: 1) Visit the Shrine 2) Adore Jesus in the Eucharist, present in the Shrine's Tabernacle 3) Pray for the Intentions of the Holy Father, Pope Francis 4) Pray the Creed, the Our Father, and the Hail Mary. See the attached document for a printable version of these instructions.
Those who meet the usual conditions (detachment from sin and reception of sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion) are
eligible to receive the Plenary Indulgence. Otherwise, they may
be eligible to receive a Partial Indulgence (Ench. Ind. n. 26).
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